Hi, loves!!
Olá, amores!!
Have you ever stopped to think about the true meaning of a promise ring? Ever wondered why the vast majority of women dream of being proposed to one?
vez você já parou para pensar em qual o verdadeiro significado de um promise rings? Já se perguntou porque a grande maioria das
mulheres sonha em ser pedida em casamento com um?
The engagement ring is a symbol of the proposal of marriage. He is a daily reminder of the decision to live a lifetime together. It marks the end of the relationship and the beginning of the engagement. It symbolizes the feeling of becoming a bride. It marks the pre-wedding expectation period.
The engagement ring is that detail that makes the difference, you know? And love lives on these little details.
The more traditional ones, called moissanite rings, are made of noble metals, such as gold and platinum, and have a prominent gemstone, which protrudes outside the rim, usually the diamond, which is the most appreciated gemstone. This engagement ring is a symbol of enduring love!
Traditionally, after the marriage proposal, the bride wears the engagement ring on her right ring finger throughout the engagement and, after the wedding, they move to the ring finger of her left hand.
Many men are surprising their future wives with exciting marriage proposals and beautiful rings for women.
The Jeulia store's jewelry design is tailor-made to evoke an emotional connection while ensuring it's a true representation of who's wearing it. From timeless and traditional to bold and modern, we offer countless jewelry options at an affordable price to meet everyone's needs and tastes.
O design das joias da loja Jeulia
é feito sob medida para evocar uma conexão emocional e, ao mesmo tempo,
garantir que seja uma representação verdadeira de quem o está usando. Do atemporal e tradicional ao arrojado e
moderno, oferecemos inúmeras opções de joias a um preço acessível para atender
às necessidades e gostos de todos.
In addition, each piece is carefully designed from start to finish so that the customer can feel confident in their purchase.
Além disso, cada peça é desenvolvida cuidadosamente
do início ao fim para que o cliente possa se sentir confiante em sua compra.
The company works with a talented team of designers and artisans together to bring each creation to life, and its mission is to continue creating jewelry collections that transcend everyday to special occasions that rival other brands in the market.
A empresa trabalha com uma equipe talentosa de
designers e artesão em conjunto para dar vida a cada criação e tem a missão continuar
criando coleções de joias que transcendem o dia a dia até ocasiões especiais
que rivalizam com outras marcas do mercado.
So, did you like the engagement ring tips? Tell me in the comments!
E aí, gostaram das dicas de anéis para noivado? Conta pra mim nos comentários!